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  1. Ok I took the time and actually made a serious one rather than my last entry which was just an AI Generated model with BCD scribbled in a haphazard way. Did I win?! Do you like it a lot! :D
  2. degeneration commensed
  3. Buy the dip - Warren the Buffinator
  4. I hope I win won Danny
  5. Ultimate Hash Classic Jamboree! Game : Must choose all three, one for each payout hit. Classic Dice - Ultimate Dice - Hash DiceHunt : Payout Triples Each RoundPayout : 10x for first game - 2nd game 30x - 3rd game 90x First 3 Players to get the goal payout in Classic, Ultimate and Hash dice win the round! Only one catch.. The payout requirement triples each time! Choose wisely which one to start with first as it's only going to require a 10x payout! Once that's hit you can choose from one of the 2 remaining dice games to hunt for a 30x payout! Once that is achieved the final 90x payout awaits on the last game of dice you left for the round! Good luck noobs! Must be atleast 0.01 BCD bets or equivalent to prevent extremely quick hits from happening! (will still happen fairly often at that base bet but this isn't for the rich) (No Rich PPL Allowed!) No New Frens!
  6. Im jp but hey can we turn like 10k of his fraudulent funds back into shitcodes and make me mayor of distribution and I'll host mini games for players to win in the forums with them : P or something fun I don't know I'm really bored these days. Let me host something lol.
  7. Where are these loop holes and where can I find them lmao
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